It's been a learning experience for me. Learning how to coupon. Am I really saving money? Or am I just buying a lot of stuff I don't need? Yes, to both. I am learning to not buy every good deal. How much lotion can a person go through??? For me, very little. But if it's free and I can use it towards getting me other things for cheaper, why not!!
So, my new plan for grocery shopping is this: Make my list, then compare it to the weekly sales flyers. It seems obvious, except when you see all the deals and get so excited to buy Worceshire Sauce for $3/3. Worceshire Sauce is a staple in my house for cooking, so if I had coupons for Worceshire sauce, it would be less than $1 a bottle. A good deal.
Also, I'm still figuring out Rite Aid. Some stuff is easy to figure out and some things make me leave there frustrated. So, I'm a huge fan of CVS and being able to leave with spending fewer dollars. However, it's nice to get little checks in the mail to use wherever I want.
I've also appreciated trying new things. Some products have been good, others not so much. Turns out, we still don't like Chex Mix. Turns out Cocoa Puffs aren't a huge hit. But they do end up making chocolate milk, so if Daddy says no chocolate milk, you can ask for Cocoa Puffs and make your own.
Bottom Line:
**Just because it's a good deal, does not mean I have to buy it**
WIS, WWA | with some fancy ramen
What I Spent I spent: $51 at Aldi $11 at Giant $30 on ramen and bubble tea
with Zoe So, $92 for me! What We …
The post WIS, WWA | with some fancy ramen ...
1 day ago
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