Here's a post, specifically for my mommies out there. I'm in the process of collecting children's clothes and other baby items for one of the consignment sales here in Charleston. It makes me a bit sad to know my big boys aren't little anymore and those cute little overalls will be adorning some other little boy. Yes, Olivia will have her overalls, but the ones with trucks on them just isn't appropriate for her. I'm collecting baby baths, socks, hats, pants and even Gdiapers. The only thing I wish I had done better, was keeping my stuff in better shape. And maybe spending less at Wal-Mart and being a few nicer items that hold up and are worth more. But either way, my boys were clothed all the time and I think I should be able to sell of my stuff. So, if you can, keep your stuff in good shape and get rid of the stuff the kids don't play with. I'm learning the hard way about junk in the house...
If you're in the Charleston area, check out these consignment sales:
Fort Johnson Baptist Church Consignment Sale: Fri and Sat, Sept 4th and 5th. Friday is from 8-6 and saturday is 8-12 and most items will be 50% off on saturday.
Charleston Repeats ( September 9-13, Omar Shrine Convention Center on Patriots Point. I think the last day, most items are 50% off also. This is the one that I'm going to consign at.
There's also a Mom to Mom sale in Mt pleasant at the Armory, but I'm not sure of the date this fall.
Happy Shopping!
WIS, WWA | with some fancy ramen
What I Spent I spent: $51 at Aldi $11 at Giant $30 on ramen and bubble tea
with Zoe So, $92 for me! What We …
The post WIS, WWA | with some fancy ramen ...
1 day ago
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