Each store has special rules for the use of coupons. I think you can go to the grocery store and buy only what's on sale and still do well. But now I know I can go better!! I am the Corporal of Coupons!
Buy 1 Get 1 Rules (B1G1):
No, this does not mean when you buy one item you get just that item, as my dad likes to say. You get 2 for the price of 1. Some stores give you the item half off if you buy just one. Some stores make you buy both to get the sales price. You just gotta know how your grocery store works.
Using coupons on B1G1 items will save you even more money. Here's how it works:
Oscar Mayer Hotdogs are B1G1 Free. A package of hotdogs costs $4, theoretically. So, each package of hot dogs would be $2 a piece. I have 2 coupons for $1.00 off a package of Oscar Mayer hot dogs, that $1 off with both coupons. So, I could buy 2 packages for $4 and use 2 coupons at $1 and spend $2 for 2 packages of hot dogs, $1 a piece. Not a bad price. Also, if you didn't want to buy 2, you could buy 1 package for $2 and use a $1 coupon and pay $1 for 1 package.
This scenario also works for any item priced 2 for $4 or 2 for $6.
Manufacturer Coupons:
Most stores will accept a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon for the same item. This worked for me today. Nature Valley Nut Clusters were on sale for $3.49. On the package, they had a save $1 now coupon that I could use. I also had a $1.00 off coupon, so it was $1.49 for the bag. Great!!
Most of the in-store coupons are on the product or in the weekly sales flyer. Some stores have another special coupon booklet that you have to ask customer service for. Publix apparently has special coupons booklets, but the one I go to has never had them. Not sure why. I ask them every time.
Internet Coupons:
There are many sites out there now for Internet Coupons. One of the best is coupons.com, but I'd be interested in checking out some others. Some coupons have a limit on how many times they can be printed, so when you see one you'll use, print it immediately. Also, some stores limit the amount of Internet Coupons they'll accept. For example, I had a few internet coupons to use on multiple Cheerios, Honey Nut cheerios, etc. But Harris Teeter would only accept 2 Internet Coupons for 2 box of any variety Cheerios. So, read the store's coupon policy!!! Otherwise, you'll leave frustrated, like I was.
Some times, the cashiers don't know the rules. So, if you kindly and gently ask them to ask a manager or try ringing up the coupon anyways, they'll be a bit more cooperative. I've already become friends with my CVS cashiers.
WIS, WWA | with some fancy ramen
What I Spent I spent: $51 at Aldi $11 at Giant $30 on ramen and bubble tea
with Zoe So, $92 for me! What We …
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