I was determined to do it myself this week. And by that, I mean, look at the CVS flyer by myself and make up my own scenarios. Yes, I did study Southern Savers so I knew what was out there and where to find my coupons, but the rest I did by myself.
I started off with roughly $11 in CVS money. For those of you who don't know my husband, he drinks diet coke and diet pepsi like water. A 12 pack lasts him maybe 1 day. But that's a story for another time. Needless to say, we were out of our vast stock of Diet Coke's from our big Bi-Lo stock up purchase and it was time for some more. CVS had them 4/$12 with $3 ECB. That would make them 4/$9, being $2.25 for a 12 pack, a good price. But I couldn't
just leave CVS with sodas. I had to at least try to use some bucks and get some back. There were a bunch of promos for buy $15 worth of product and get $5 back. But I didn't have the right coupons, blah, blah, blah. But, I made it work.
Here's the gist:
I bought:
4 Diet Pepsi 12 packs ($12)
1 Accu Aviva Glucose Meter (on sale for $10, retail $19.99)
I used:
$10 off Accu Aviva Glucose Meter (made it free)
$4 off $20 CVS coupon
$7.98 of my CVS bucks
Total w/ tax: $.78
Savings: $41.53
I got back in ECBS's: $3
So, you might be wondering, why by a glucose meter if you don't need it. Well, I might need it one day because diabetes runs in my family. I was going to give it to my dad, but he already has 2, and BECAUSE IT WAS FREE!! Plus, it got me to $20 so I could use $4 off coupon on the rest of my product. I actually made $4 by buying a free item.
Okay, I'll be the first to admit when I don't do something right in this couponing thing. I was attempting to buy $15 worth of Advil/Thermacare products to get $5 bucks back. Alex only likes Advil and I do like Thermacare, and I had coupons for both. However, my total came to $14.49 so I bought some pens for $1. But my ECB's didn't print on my receipt. Lo and behold, I didn't purchase $15 of participating products. I needed to buy $.51 more of an advil/chapstick/thermacare item. So, I look it over again today, just to make sure my purchases weren't in vain. And yes, I could buy some chapstick for $2.99 and get my $5 ECB's.
So, on the way to dropping my son off at preschool, I ran into CVS, found the chapstick and shelled out $3.21. No ECB's printed out but I was in an hurry and didn't want James to be late for day 1 of school. So, I realized that the NIVEA chapstick wasn't part of this particular savings, I needed the Chapstick brand. I was not going to let this overtake me!! I was going to get my $5 bucks back! So, I went back, returned the Nivea and spent $3.21 to get the real chapstick and get my $5 rewards. So, now I have $8 ECB's for my next trip.
My 2nd transaction:
I bought:
1 Accu Aviva Glucose meter ($10)
1 Advil Gelcaps ($7.5)
1 Thermacare neck ($6.99)
1 8 Ct pens ($.99)
I used:
$10 off glucose meter
$2.98 in ECB's
$4 off $20 CVS coupon
$3 off thermacare and advil coupon
I paid: $7.11
I saved: $32.96
Plus $3.21 chapstick
I earned another $5 ECB's
Total for CVS: $11.21
Savings for this trip: $74.49
ECB's: $8
The moral of this story, is use the free items to hit a higher price to use more coupons.
I like where you're going with this... But... How nervous are you that you'll be piling up junk that you don't use just to "save" a couple bucks that you could only use at CVS?
ReplyDeleteBy the way, if you do run into that scenario, donate that stuff to your church for missions trips. Always good to bring toothpaste, Advil, glucose meters, etc...
I'm not too nervous because I'm saving actual money. I don't leave CVS with tons of money only to use at CVS.
ReplyDeleteYes, stuff that I do get, like the glucose meter, I will donate, etc. And if people let me know, I will keep an eye out for certain things and collect them when they're really cheap. So far, I haven't collected any 'junk'. I can always use the CVS money for diapers, which I'll be needing for the next few years. But yes, I do have a lot of toothepaste that I can donate :)
I do a lot of skimming of the ads and choose not to get certain things unless I can get them for free. Like with the glucose meter, it was a free item that made my total purchase $20 so I could use $4 off the stuff I really needed. So, it made sense for me to purchase it.
Thanks for the reminder of donating to a missions trip. I forgot that that would be an option.
Good answers - I like watching your enthusiasm for working the system. How many people have stopped you in the store after they watch you ring up you purchases to find out how you're doing it?
ReplyDeleteWell, not many. I still think not many people use the system. But the cashiers give me a lot of encouragement. I think most customers behind me think, Oh Great! I got behind the lady with all the coupons!!