Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Post Seasonal Items
Monday, October 26, 2009
Still Here
So, I haven't been in couponing mode, but have been in cooking, baking and doing fun fall activity mode.
I have been stock piling frozen meat for many months now. My grandmother had a tall freezer full of meat and when she was moving to a smaller place, she was convinced that everyone would fight over and steal the meat. Now, I understand. This is like a nest neg for a rainy day. When all else fails, pull something from the freezer. Well, I had 2 pork tenderloins sitting in there and we were having 10 -12 people over for my husband's birthday. So, oven roasted pork it was!! I had plenty of potatoes because they were on sale at Publix for $1.99 for a 5 pound bag. However, most of them had a bunch of bad spots, but they were salvageable. I was making caesar salad and had a few items to buy for that as well as a vegetable, asparagus.
I spent my week worth of $ for grocery on this past weekend, but it was worth it. I bought some frozen shrimp from HT because it was B1G2 free and a great deal. But sometimes when you have a specific menu in mind, it's hard to save money. Anchovy paste is never on sale!!
Additionally, we were having friends from church over on Sunday so I had to prepare food for that. Well, I could have done boxed brownies and subs, but why do that when you can have meatballs, bread bowl artichoke dip, pumpkin bread and refrigerated cookie dough cookies??
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Free Panties - Pink Nation
Monday, October 12, 2009
Small Purchases
First: I purchased 1 Halloween candy bag ($.99)
1 Pumpkin Carving Knife ($1.99)
I Used: $2.50 in ECB
Total: $.52 (incl. tax)
I got: ECBs for $1.99 and $.99
I purchased: 1 box of Kashi ($3), 2 Revon Mascaras (B1G1, $7.49), 1 pumpkin carving knife ($1.99, get $1.99 in ECBs). I used $6 in manufacturer coupons, $7.98 in ECB's
Total: $.25
I then got $1.99 in ECBs and I got CVS bucks for $2.00 off Pullups, which were on sale, so I bought a package of Pull Ups for $5.01.
So, I could've left CVS for under $1 OOP, but I wanted to get a deal on Pull-ups. Sometimes the small transactions are the most satisfying.
New Organization System
Personal / Meds
Betty Crocker
So, let's see if this works.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Small Trip..Big Savings
I was good to go, but I couldn't resist the Triples at Harris Teeter. Yes, they triple all coupons $.99 or less. This is a good time to stock up on Fruit Snacks and Go-gurts. So with my list in hand and coupons in a baggie, I rushed off to HT. Thanks to my friend, McKenzie, who sent me a $5 off $25 coupon, I did pretty well. I spent $10.28 on $50 worth of product. General Mills had a promo if you purchase 15 of certain items, you get $5 off your total bill. So, I got an additional $10 off my bill in additional to VIC savings and coupons. I did want something healthy for the trip, so I purchased some bananas, not on sale.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Too Difficult
Friday, September 4, 2009
Some Good Buys
1. Whole Foods - Coupon for a free Rotisserie Chicken and a free bouquet (turns out this was only supposed to go to Whole Foods customers). But I did buy $3 worth of cookies for the boys, so I did support Whole Foods.
2. 2 Free Panties at Victoria's Secret with any purchase on last tuesday - Yep! Any purchase. So, I bought a $3 scented hand sanitizer and got 2 free panties. Sorry, no picture here.
3. I got a chick fil a meal the other day and there was a breakfast sampler in my bad. Yum!
4. I went to a consignment sale today and found a Leapfrog learning tool that didn't have a price on it. So, when I went up, they said $1. I said Sold!!
5. I also found a Blue Corduroy w/ suede elbow pads for Ryan to wear this winter for $3.50. In great condition!
So, keep your eyes open for good deals and go to the mall and get those free panties!
Things I've learned...
So, my new plan for grocery shopping is this: Make my list, then compare it to the weekly sales flyers. It seems obvious, except when you see all the deals and get so excited to buy Worceshire Sauce for $3/3. Worceshire Sauce is a staple in my house for cooking, so if I had coupons for Worceshire sauce, it would be less than $1 a bottle. A good deal.
Also, I'm still figuring out Rite Aid. Some stuff is easy to figure out and some things make me leave there frustrated. So, I'm a huge fan of CVS and being able to leave with spending fewer dollars. However, it's nice to get little checks in the mail to use wherever I want.
I've also appreciated trying new things. Some products have been good, others not so much. Turns out, we still don't like Chex Mix. Turns out Cocoa Puffs aren't a huge hit. But they do end up making chocolate milk, so if Daddy says no chocolate milk, you can ask for Cocoa Puffs and make your own.
Bottom Line:
**Just because it's a good deal, does not mean I have to buy it**
Harris Teeter Super Doubles
So, I made a few trips to HT to get good deals on diapers. The diapers were $9.99 and with my $1.50 coupon (doubled to $3), I paid $6.99 for those packs of diapers.
For the picture on the left, I paid $65 on $140 worth of groceries. The sodas were Buy 2 Get 3 free, so I got 6 sodas for $12.
What $5 at CVS can get you
Monday, August 24, 2009
Freebies 101
Friday, August 21, 2009
For the Mommies
If you're in the Charleston area, check out these consignment sales:
Fort Johnson Baptist Church Consignment Sale: Fri and Sat, Sept 4th and 5th. Friday is from 8-6 and saturday is 8-12 and most items will be 50% off on saturday.
Charleston Repeats (www.charlestonrepeats.com): September 9-13, Omar Shrine Convention Center on Patriots Point. I think the last day, most items are 50% off also. This is the one that I'm going to consign at.
There's also a Mom to Mom sale in Mt pleasant at the Armory, but I'm not sure of the date this fall.
Happy Shopping!
From 2-4 every day, it's Happy Hour! This means my delicious Large Sweet Tea with extra ice is only $.91 or around that price. Great deal for 32 ounces of delicious sweet tea.
On a few of my recipts lately, it said to call this number and get a free Route 44 drink on my next trip. What's Route 44 I asked? It's 12 ounces more than the large, he said. Wow! But, a free drink is a free drink. So, I go home and call the number and it took me 3 minutes and I got a code for a free drink. I couldn't wait to see if I could drink a whole Route 44 sweet tea. And sure enough, I can!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
My Favorite Purchases this Week
Rite Aid: I spent $14.47 and will receive $6 back from Rite Aid. This isn't great, but I purchased a few items that I needed i.e. Pert Plus ($1.25), 2 packs of BIC mechanical pencils (free) and makeup remover pads for $2.31. I misunderstood the battery deal and therefore didn't purchase enough to get the rebate, but still got them on sale and used a coupon.
CVS: I used up my bucks back on my last trip so I had to start again. I did okay and I left CVS with $11 in Bucks back to use next week. Most of the items I purchased gave me bucks back and I bought some Band Aid / Neosporin products, which are always good to have on hand.
So, I spent $23 and got $12 back in bucks. Not that great, but my overall savings before bucks back was $34.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Freebates and Easy Rebates
But recently, I did the Staples Easy Rebate and yes, it was easy. The deal was you had to buy 2 boxes of printer paper, each box had 5 'reams' in it. That's 5 chunks of paper, I was told. Each box would be $10 after the easy rebate. $20 for 2 boxes of printer paper. Can't beat that! So, with my receipts in hand I went home and entered the appropriate information online and voila! It was done. Now I just have to wait for my $20 to get sent to me. So, are rebates worth it? I think so. Two thumbs up!
It's the little things
I don't like the taste of our tap water, but I need to drink water. So, I buy bottled water. If I can find it for $3 or less for a case, I'll buy it. So, they had a 24 pack of bottled water for $3.99 and there was a coupon dispenser right next to the water for a $1 off coupon. So, I got 24 bottles of water for $2.99, making it $.12 a bottle. Not bad. That was savings from just utilizing what was in store.
The second item that got me excited was the Nature Valley nut clusters. They're a healthy snack that I can put in my diaper bag for those emergency snack situations. They were on sale for $3.49 and had a coupon stuck on the bag for $1 off and I had another coupon for $1. So, I paid $1.49 for that.
So, the moral of this story is "Look Around". You never know what coupons are available if you don't look. Pull the coupons out of the dispensers, even if they're not on sale because they might be next week.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Coupon Rules
I will be adding to this list, as more is revealed to me in my endeavors, but I'll list a few things that I already know.
1. Never Pay Retail
2. Always buy the free items or items that you can make a profit on.
3. But as much as you can when an item hits its lowest price
These seem obvious, but the reality is sometimes hard. How do you know when an item is at its lowest. Well, Harris Teeter was tripling coupons this past week, so I safely assumed that all the prices I paid for Betty Crocker fruit snacks was the lowest it would ever go.
Know the Rules!
Buy 1 Get 1 Rules (B1G1):
No, this does not mean when you buy one item you get just that item, as my dad likes to say. You get 2 for the price of 1. Some stores give you the item half off if you buy just one. Some stores make you buy both to get the sales price. You just gotta know how your grocery store works.
Using coupons on B1G1 items will save you even more money. Here's how it works:
Oscar Mayer Hotdogs are B1G1 Free. A package of hotdogs costs $4, theoretically. So, each package of hot dogs would be $2 a piece. I have 2 coupons for $1.00 off a package of Oscar Mayer hot dogs, that $1 off with both coupons. So, I could buy 2 packages for $4 and use 2 coupons at $1 and spend $2 for 2 packages of hot dogs, $1 a piece. Not a bad price. Also, if you didn't want to buy 2, you could buy 1 package for $2 and use a $1 coupon and pay $1 for 1 package.
This scenario also works for any item priced 2 for $4 or 2 for $6.
Manufacturer Coupons:
Most stores will accept a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon for the same item. This worked for me today. Nature Valley Nut Clusters were on sale for $3.49. On the package, they had a save $1 now coupon that I could use. I also had a $1.00 off coupon, so it was $1.49 for the bag. Great!!
Most of the in-store coupons are on the product or in the weekly sales flyer. Some stores have another special coupon booklet that you have to ask customer service for. Publix apparently has special coupons booklets, but the one I go to has never had them. Not sure why. I ask them every time.
Internet Coupons:
There are many sites out there now for Internet Coupons. One of the best is coupons.com, but I'd be interested in checking out some others. Some coupons have a limit on how many times they can be printed, so when you see one you'll use, print it immediately. Also, some stores limit the amount of Internet Coupons they'll accept. For example, I had a few internet coupons to use on multiple Cheerios, Honey Nut cheerios, etc. But Harris Teeter would only accept 2 Internet Coupons for 2 box of any variety Cheerios. So, read the store's coupon policy!!! Otherwise, you'll leave frustrated, like I was.
Some times, the cashiers don't know the rules. So, if you kindly and gently ask them to ask a manager or try ringing up the coupon anyways, they'll be a bit more cooperative. I've already become friends with my CVS cashiers.
Sign up for the free stuff!
UPromise: www.upromise.com
-This is a way to save money for your kids college. For certain products that you buy, a bit of change is put away in an account for you and your beneficiaries. It costs nothing to do. But if you accumulated $5,000 by the time your first child went to college?????? That would be enough money to cover all the textbooks for 4 years with money left over.
-You can link your credit cards to the site and every time you purchase a upromise item, it automatically detects it and puts the $ in your account.
-You can link your savings cards i.e. CVS ExtraCare, Harris Teeter VIC card, etc. Depending on the grocery stores in your area will determine what upromise uses.
CVS has become my new favorite store. It's been a game to me. But you sign up for a CVS ExtraCare card and it entitles you to sale items in the store as well as receiving Bucks Back. These bucks back are like monopoly money. It's money you use on your next purchase at CVS. So, free money!! For example, Headphones were on sale this week for $6.99 and when you bought them you got $6.99 back to spend on your next trip. So, I could walk back down the aisle and buy $6.99 worth of stuff and use my bucks back and pay nothing. But if I purchased another item that gave me bucks back, I'd get more money to spend!!!
Rite Aid:
Okay, I'll admit. Rite Aid is not my first choice, but it can be worth your while. Rite Aid does the same thing as CVS, except you don't get back your money right away. You input your receipts online and get a check payable to you, to use wherever you want.
Grocery stores: Sign up for the savings card at your grocery store if you can. Some stores, like Publix, don't have one, but they have lower prices on grocery items. Why pay full price when you can get it for sale???
Other stores that have free savings cards:
Bi-Lo - Save on gas for ever $50 you spend
Any frequent buyer card that's free - Bigby Coffee
How I do it
Here we go!!
I am a stay at home mom, with 3 children under the age of 4. So, even though my time is limited, I am finding satisfaction making deals and spending time figuring out ways of being a better steward for my family.
To be fair, most of my deals are found from daily visits to the website www.southernsavers.com. It would be unjust to not mention that I am consistently benefiting from the work done on that site.
Any comments on my posts would be greatly appreciated, especially if you find yourself in the same situation.
Here we go!